Jebus Outcast was originally envisioned as a template which lets you experience Heroes 3 in a totally different way. It all began with a special version of Jebus King that had pretty much all the overpowered stuff removed. Then I showed it to John Denver, who had ideas similar to mine regarding the balance issues of Heroes 3, and he helped me pick the name for this template. Back then it was played with 8 Heroes like all the other templates. First streamer who started playing it and brought a lot of attention to JO was Lexiav, his feedback was crucial in the process of development. And later on, it was on his stream where I saw that playing this game with 1 Hero is actually viable (by adding certain rules basically), for me it was like the key missing element which was needed to turn Heroes 3 into a more approachable game for everyone. It was less time consuming, it was simple, engaging and fun.
From that moment Jebus Outcast started gaining more and more popularity. Especially when the first Jebus Roulette tournament was organized by Feral and Lexiav - then it really took off. The hype was so unreal that streamers like Gluhammer, Twaryna and Dreadz, as well as content creator Sir Troglodyte, all took notice of this new thing - 1 Hero gaming. They loved this template and I'm sure they brought a lot of new players to the lobby. At some point Baratorch even made a fix that disables the possibility of recruiting Heroes from Tavern, specifically for Outcast. And that's the story of how JO came to be what it is now.
Template author: MKC.
Special thanks to Anonymous, Craftsoe, Miacis, Vienq and other donators for sponsoring the development of this version.
Crimson Couatl image by MyMyHguu.
Feedback channel #mkc-templates:
Main Features:Β
β All Pandoras contain units, except 6 big boxes in the desert which give all spells (55000 value each).β Diplomacy effectiveness is reduced to 25% joining in the desert. Zone guards between desert and biomes can randomly spawn as 25% or 50% joining, depending on a tile they stand on.β Jebus Outcast Islands is a special version of JO, where instead of a rich middle zone you have a large sea with many Utopia-like objects. To activate it, choose Water Content - Islands in the setup and select XH+U or G+U size.β Jebus Outcast Premium is an experimental version of JO, it unlocks top level Heroes and gives access to Triple Build from the start.Β HOW TO INSTALL
Check your HOTA version (must be 1.7.1), if it's not the latest one then go to: HOTA downloadsΒ
Place the .h3t file into Heroes 3 > HotA_RMGTemplates directory.
Recommended settings. Chill timer: 2 / 1:15 / 0:30. Competitive timer: 2 / 1 / 0:15.Β
> Fast roads only (rightmost option), water content - none or islands, monster strength - normal or strong, difficulty - 160%.
> Simultaneous turns 133, tournament rules - enabled, protected saves - enabled.
Restart 1x111. The Red player must be the first to say whether he keeps (+) or restarts (111). The Blue player can end the turn and wait until Red makes his decision. Road block restarts are not allowed.
FF242 (Final Fight on month 2 week 4 day 2). Whoever controls the central desert town by the end of this turn - wins the game.
Complete 1 Hero gaming ruleset is available on this page: Hota Online Rules (1 Hero edition).
Version 2.97:
β Added Heroes: Frederick.
β Heroes banned: Henrietta.
β Leadership skill is disabled.
β Added Spells: Inferno.
β Added Artifacts: Pendant of Courage, Pendant of Life, Pendant of Negativity, Hourglass of the Evil Hour, Equestrian's Gloves, Garniture of Interference (5% magic resistance).
β +1 Town Gate.
β Reduced the number of Major Artifacts to 4 from 5.
β The frequency of Colosseums of the Magi has been reduced to 75, and their limit has been removed.
β Added level 5 spell scroll (4k value).
β Added Shrines level 1 - 3.
β The copy of mid town now has a Fort (except 8 players versions).
β Increased frequency of the Warrior's Tomb from 3 to 7.
β Value of Library of Enlightenment is reduced to 8000 (from 12000).
β Frequency of Creature Banks (those that give T6 / T7 units as a reward) has been increased to 7, and their maximum number has been increased to 2 (except Griffin Conservatory).
β Some changes to the number of Dwellings.
β Value of control scrolls is reduced from 10000 to 7500.
β The number of boxes with all spells has been reduced to 6 (from 7).
β Added M size version. Key differences: boxes are very rare in this version and most objects are random. Guaranteed Airship Yard and Town Portal scroll (7500 value) in the biome. Value of Border Guards is reduced to 30000.
β L size version now has bigger biomes.
β Added a rare variant with Neutral's faction biomes for L and M sizes.
β On H+U underground tunnels were added with 3 guaranteed control scrolls.
β Jebus Outcast Islands now has 2 variants XH+U and G+U. Both have underground zones with guaranteed control scrolls (accessed via guarded Monolith - 18K value). XH+U can be played with up to 4 players and G+U with up to 8. On XH+U middle zone portals are blocked and on G+U Shipyards are guarded with 45K value guards. G+U version also has several additional islands that have some bizarre objects spawning there.
Click here for older version changelogs.
Biome (XL / H / XH / G)
Castle: Griffin 8 / Swordsman 4 / Monk 14 / Cavalier 8 / Angel 2
Rampart: Elf 4 / Pegasus 6 / Dendroid 15 or Unicorn 10 / Green Dragon 7
Tower: Golem 5 / Mage 10 / Genie 8 / Naga 8 / Giant 3
Inferno: Hellhound 8 / Demon 5 / Pit Fiend 10 / Efreeti 4 / Devil 4
Necropolis: Vampire 1 / Lich 14 / Black Knight 8 / Bone Dragon 7
Dungeon: Beholder 7 / Medusa 8 / Minotaur 10 / Manticore 9 / Red Dragon 3
Stronghold: Orc 10 / Ogre 9 / Roc 4 / Cyclops 11 / Behemoth 2
Fortress: Serpent Fly 9 / Basilisk 8 / Gorgon 7 / Wyvern 4 / Hydra 7
Conflux: Earth Elemental 11 / Elemental Conflux 4 / Psychic Elemental 9 / Firebird 6
Cove: Pirate 4 / Stormbird 4 / Sea Witch 15 / Nix 4 / Sea Serpent 4
Factory: Automaton 6 / Sandworm 4 / Gunslinger 10 / Couatl 4 / Dreadnought 6
Biome (L 4p / XL 8p)
Castle: Griffin 5 / Swordsman 2 / Monk 10 / Cavalier 5 / Angel 1
Rampart: Elf 2 / Pegasus 4 / Dendroid 11 or Unicorn 7 / Green Dragon 5
Tower: Golem 2 / Mage 7 / Genie 5 / Naga 5 / Giant 2
Inferno: Hellhound 5 / Demon 3 / Pit Fiend 7 / Efreeti 2 / Devil 3
Necropolis: Vampire 0 / Lich 10 / Black Knight 5 / Bone Dragon 5
Dungeon: Beholder 4 / Medusa 5 / Minotaur 7 / Manticore 6 / Red Dragon 2
Stronghold: Orc 7 / Ogre 6 / Roc 2 / Cyclops 8 / Behemoth 1
Fortress: Serpent Fly 6 / Basilisk 5 / Gorgon 4 / Wyvern 2 / Hydra 5
Conflux: Earth Elemental 8 / Elemental Conflux 2 / Psychic Elemental 7 / Firebird 4
Cove: Pirate 2 / Stormbird 2 / Sea Witch 11 / Nix 2 / Sea Serpent 3
Factory: Automaton 4 / Sandworm 2 / Gunslinger 7 / Couatl 3 / Dreadnought 5
If you wish to play Random Heroes but still have a fair distribution of starting gold, follow this link: Random Hero Roulette and click roll to get a pair of random Heroes. After this you can proceed with trading for the combination of Hero and Town in this pair. 500 gold for a re-roll.
Disabled Skills (except Heroes who start with them)
Disabled Spells (except Heroes who start with them)
Disabled Artifacts
Added Artifacts (assembled Relics)